We supply a full range of water treatment chemicals (PAM, PAC & coagulant polymers) to match your particular need. We can analyse samples of the water requiring treatment and recommend solutions for you to test. We can also link you with specialists to help with determining appropriate approaches to waste water management.
Shengli's range of PAM’s (Polyacrylamide) and PAC's (Poly aluminium chloride), plus cationic coagulant polymers are ideal for industrial waste water treatment to remove TSS (Total Suspended Solids) in both acidic and alkaline environments. They are currently being used across the Asia/Pacific region in countries like Australia, Singapore, Bangladesh and Indonesia and meet all TSS discharge requirements in all these countries for:
- TSS removal from waste-water on building sites.
- Waste water from Tunnel Boring Operations.
- Water Based Drilling Fluid Waste.
- Sedimentation ponds from general industry
The extensive range of polymers and specialty chemicals can also be used for cement works, sewerage sedimentation ponds, and other related industries. The below photos, show contaminated water in Singapore, before and after treatment with our chemicals. Our products were selected for the contract because of the excellent efficacy found during testing, particularly when compared to all other potential chemicals considered for the project.

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